Writing Effective Internet Content
Whether people access the Internet through desktops, laptops or mobile devices, they consume Web content at a different pace and for different reasons than they do books, magazines, or newspapers. People want their online information quickly, and they don't want to jump hurdles to find it.
So how can you determine the best way to deliver your message on the Web? How can you learn to write for the websites and email with clarity and precision, and in a way that engages and holds people's interest? The answers are in "The Yahoo! Style Guide: The Ultimate Sourcebook for Writing, Editing, and Creating for the Digital World."
Srinija Srinivasan, Yahoo! Editor-in-Chief, says, "Economy of language has been a cornerstone of the Yahoo! voice and a core tenet from our early days. Online audiences expect far more information, in much less space, in far less time, than ever before. Attention spans are short, and every pixel counts."
"Today Yahoo! is one of the most visited Internet destinations in the world, and our focus remains on connecting people to their passions--matching the right content to the right person at the right time. As much as ever, we are passionate about helping others realize the potential of the Web to enrich their lives and their communities. We hope this guide helps you make the most of your online pursuits."
The chapters of the Yahoo! Style Guide take you from the most basic Web issues to more technical concerns, but the order you read them in is up to you. The guide includes some chapters that you'll want to read from start to finish, and others that you'll leaf through as a reference.
The Yahoo! Style Guide: The Ultimate Sourcebook for Writing, Editing, and Creating Content for the Digital World