TED started in 1984 as a one-off conference meant to unite thinkers and creators from three worlds: technology, entertainment, and design.
Since 1990, though, the conference has been held annually and has come to embrace a broader scope in which interesting figures from all areas are brought to speak on a variety of topics, usually discusses through a lens of what’s happening in the world and where we’re headed. The talks are limited to 18 minutes (though some on this list run slightly longer), during which time the speakers are challenged to give "the talk of their lives," and many do.
TED’s site hosts more than 700 of the talks for free, viewable by everyone looking to learn more about the world and get inspired about the future, from college students to industry pros. There are 20 of the most inspiring talks posted on OnlineUniversities.com that might have a special appeal to recent college grads now making their way in the world.
When you’re feeling a little lost, these can guide the way. Here is my favorite for those attempting to sell a product, service or idea.
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Posted by: Air Jordans | March 11, 2011 at 01:13 AM