When a person faces a challenge and becomes stuck, he or she may seek the services of a personal coach. Once this commitment is made, the person begins to experience a different, more hopeful, world as his or her perceptions evolve in meeting the personal or corporate challenge.
So what is professional coaching and how does it differ from consulting?
Download and listen to this MP3 recording of an interview of Coach Agno for the answer to that question.
We offer different personal and corporate coaching plans to fit the needs of the person being coached and the organization that wishes to develop the leadership capability of its management team. Go to www.Leadership401.com for sample coaching plans and costs.
Personal and Corporate Coaching options help clients discretely remove barriers to personal, professional and business development. Expected coaching outcomes for the person being coached are increased clarity and focus (by paying attention to your intentions), personalized learning, expanded awareness and designing the life you want to live. The organization experiences increased employee productivity.
Option 1: Corporate Coaching -- weekly executive and business coaching 1-hour sessions ($1,200/month-prepaid 6-month minimum). Corporate coaching for senior or C-suite executives is usually tied to the company's strategic initiatives, succession planning and retention strategies. The coach meets with each individual being coached on a weekly basis to determine the desired outcomes and put appropriate performance metrics in place. For some tips on picking the right coach, go to our Leadership Blog at www.CoachingTip.com
Option 2: Personal Coaching--weekly 1/2 hour telephone sessions ($600/month-prepaid 3 month minimum). Why Personal Coaching? Personal coaching of executives, professionals and small business owners is available in 30-minute weekly sessions by telephone at half the cost of the corporate coaching option above.
Other Coaching Alternatives
Custom Plans, based on specific client needs, are quoted on request, such as -- timely and convenient instant messaging coaching, like having a personal coach in your back pocket (call 734-426-2000 or email us for more information).
Let us design a program that fits your needs:
When you are ready to talk about what interests you in a coaching relationship, contact us by email to schedule a free 20-minute telephone conversation. After we determine if there is a good fit between us, we will design and schedule future coaching sessions that work best for you. Usually, a flexible coaching program can be developed based upon the client's needs and budget considerations.
What does a successful coaching experience look like?
Only you know what's important in achieving your vision of success. However, we all seek shared outcomes to provide a foundation for where we want to be. Here are two clients' definition of the foundation for his and her coaching guided success:
"Have you ever watched, listened, and felt someone tuning a guitar or other string instrument? That is what it is like to have the good fortune of connecting with John Agno. He is a living tuning fork and you're that string instrument. Today, I have greater self awareness, am more in step with my calling, and better able to appreciate the journey, including the valleys, than ever before. Thanks, John for helping me get attuned with my life signature."
"I have come to learn that to cancel a coaching session is to lose energy for a week and to lose focus. My coaching sessions are a way of clearing out any feelings or uncertainties in my week. They are a way of moving any negative energy from within me as talking out loud helps how I am feeling and where I am at and to stay present.
I often hear myself telling my coach that it’s painful sometimes to have to be brutally honest with myself and as he always explains, it’s best to be honest with your coach as they are a sound board for you. Let’s think about this concept for a moment. If I didn’t have a coach then this conversation would be going on internally, with my inner self talk. As we all know inner self talk goes round and round and doesn’t actually go anywhere except in a negative energy field. It spirals down into a conversation of justifying and explaining why I shouldn’t do something. Controlling our inner self talk takes great skill.
Thus is the purpose of a coach. It is a conversation that is directed outwards and when we hear ourselves speak we gain clarity as to where we are going and what we are thinking and feeling. My coach asks me questions that get me to explore depths to my thoughts and to my feelings. He allows me a safe and supportive space to test ideas and thoughts.
In the last 12 months I have achieved more things than I have ever achieved through regular, decisive coaching. To not have coaching feels like not eating or nurturing myself. Its just not possible."
Terms of Service
When being paid directly by the corporation, is important to define upfront the program objectives, who is the client and what results are expected. For example, is the corporation's motivation in having executives coached based on increasing profitability or employee retention, or both. The person being coached might be interested in personal & career development, balancing work/life issues and improving his/her opportunities. These corporate and personal needs and goals can sometimes be in direct conflict. It is therefore highly recommended that these issues be addressed by both the coach and corporate representative before beginning corporate coaching activities.
A customized corporate coaching program, where both the person being coached and the organization's objectives are met, is usually developed based upon a combination of face-to-face meetings and private telephone coaching sessions. Contact us by email to schedule a telephone conversation to better understand your needs; so that pricing and availability may be determined. We would be pleased to email you an executive summary of our coaching methodology.
Coaching Relationship: In the coaching relationship, the Client sets the agenda and the Coach helps to clarify the vision, functioning more as a partner than as an expert. The Client has been made aware that the coaching relationship is in no way to be construed as psychotherapy, psychological counseling, or any type of therapy. In the event the Client feels the need for professional counseling or therapy, it is the responsibility of the Client to seek a licensed professional.
Call Procedure: The Client will call the Coach at the prearranged time and telephone number as scheduled. Please remember that rescheduling or cancellations of calls must be made 24 hours in advance. There will be no refund or credit for cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to a scheduled session.
Payment Schedule: The Coach is paid at the beginning of the agreed to period of coaching services to be provided on behalf of the Client. The first coaching session will begin once the coaching plan has been agreed to by the Client and Coach.
Termination: The Client may cancel at anytime. Cancellation must be in writing, by USPS, fax or by email message. Client is responsible for any unpaid outstanding coaching services performed up to the date of the cancellation notice.
Confidentiality: The Coach recognizes that the Client may share future plans, business affairs, customer lists, financial information, job information, goals, personal information, and other private information. The Coach will not at any time, either directly or indirectly, voluntarily use any information for the Coach's own benefit, or disclose, or communicate this information to a third party. While the Coach will do everything in his power to keep communication confidential, the Client is aware that there are certain exceptions. For example, communication by email can potentially be intercepted or email archives can be subpoenaed from Internet Service Providers or other parties in the event of a lawsuit.
"Executive coaches are not for the meek. They’re for people who value unambiguous feedback. All coaches have one thing in common, it’s that they are ruthlessly results-oriented." FAST COMPANY Magazine
"If ever stressed-out corporate America could use a little couch-time, it's now. Trust in big companies is at an all-time low. Baby Boomers have been burned; Gen Xers aren't expecting the corporation to take care of them. Under the circumstances, employees are much likelier to go outside and get independent advice to help them be better managers" Karen Cates, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, Northwestern's Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
"Between 25 percent and 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies use executive coaches" Recent survey by The Hay Group, an International Human Resources consultancy.
How do you know you need a coach?
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Applying mentoring techniques in developing your customer
Posted by: ugg outlet store | October 30, 2010 at 09:10 AM
Applying mentoring techniques in developing your customer
Posted by: ugg boots outlet | October 30, 2010 at 09:04 AM
how much do Americans spend on personal coaching in average year?
Corporate coaching?
Posted by: Shirley Enebrad | February 15, 2010 at 02:25 PM
Applying mentoring techniques in developing your customer care organization is another area that should be considered.
Client relationship development is a long term process and can allow a company to build trust and a strong bond with the customer long after the initial sale has taken place.
If the organization does not see this area as a strategic component of their business, it will struggle to maintain long term clients and be pressed to find references for new opportunities.
Gravity Gardener
Posted by: Gravity Gardener | February 06, 2010 at 10:34 AM