Welcome! Enjoy the boomer music, generational rides and word games we have for you this week.
We begin with a loud message from Your Drum telling us that we can each change our world by gently creating a difference. Here are ten ways an individual can use to change the world inspired by Gandhi's beliefs: http://www.yourdrum.com/yourdrum/2007/01/you_can_change_.html
As Baby Boomers find that "over-the-hill" is getting much younger in Corporate America, man-o-pause provides some thoughts about moving on to a second career during our mid-life course corrections at: http://www.man-o-pause.com/manopause/2007/01/do_what_you_lov.html
Getting a recruiter to notice you can be challenging as you move toward your second career. Gen Plus passes along some great tips on standing out in the jobseeker crowd, courtesy of Korn-Ferry. http://genplus.blogspot.com/2007/01/how-heck-can-you-catch-recruiters.html
In deciding how you want to spend the best years of your life, take a look in the Rearview Mirror to figure out how best to manage your debt or work toward "debt-free" as you move into a phased retirement at: http://mickiberthelot.com/archives/87
When our second life doesn't turn out to be a picnic, we may ask ourselves the question, "Is a divorce better than an unhappy marriage?" LifeTwo reports on studies that have an unexpected answer at: http://lifetwo.com/production/node/20070123-divorce-often-doesnt-make-people-happier-sometimes-staying-together-does
Over at Contemporary Retirement, Ann asks the question "What is the size of your carbon footprint?" and goes on to tell you not only how to calculate the size of your carbon footprint but, more importantly, how to minimize and offset it at: http://contemporaryretirement.typepad.com/contemporary_retirement/2007/01/what_size_is_yo.html
Rocker Jon Bon Jovi and Rhea, of The Boomer Chronicles, are both boomers and grew up in New Jersey just a few miles apart. They have never met but just might someday soon. Why? Read on... http://www.thegeminiweb.com/babyboomer/?p=600
Living without Borders has been visiting our Blogging Boomer Carnivals since the beginning of the year and has some observations to throw out to the blogosphere at: http://livingwithoutborders.com/2007/01/22/blogging-boomers-carnival-catching-up/