The people who sparked the sexual revolution are spending more time turning on the TV than their partners today, says an Ipsos-Reid survey. Almost 2,500 Baby Boomers aged 40-64 were surveyed, finding most spend almost five hours a day in front of a TV but dedicate only 15 minutes a day to sex and romance.
The survey -- commissioned by Pfizer, makers of Viagra --found 58 per cent are too tired for sex, while 42 per cent say they're stressed out, and 40 per cent say they have no time.
Dr. Richard Casey, medical director of the Male Health Centre in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, which treats both men and women with sexual difficulties, says being busy is not a valid excuse for neglecting intimacy.
"I'm not suggesting you should have sex but spend the time being intimate. Go walking, go to a movie, hug and hold hands. If your relationship is healthy then that may lead to more sex." He says to pick a time during the day when you have energy to devote to your partner.
He predicts the next generation will have even bigger issues with intimacy. "The next generation has an attention span of a gnat and are always on their 'crackberries.' They're going to have a lot of problems with sex. I mean, you can't multi-task when you're having sex."
Perhaps, all generations should ban the TV from entering the bedroom...
Source: The Hamilton Spectator, March 17, 2006