Once the fear of death is transcended, life becomes a transformed experience because that particular fear underlies all others. Few people know what it is to live without fear--but beyond fear lies joy, as the meaning and purpose of your existence surfaces.
Motivation proceeds from meaning, and meaning, in turn, is an expression in context. Thus, achievement is bounded by context, which, when correspondingly aligned with motivation, determines the individual's relative power.
Power arises from meaning and this meaning has to do with the significance of life itself. Power gives life and energy to what uplifts, dignifies and ennobles. This energy is associated with compassion and makes us feel positive about ourselves.
Although it is not ordinary to move out of one energy field into another during one's lifetime, the opportunity still exists. It remains for motivation to activate that potential; without the exercise of choice, no progression will occur.
For more on the meaning of your life, go to: www.LifeSignature.com
Source: David R. Hawkins: Power vs. Force
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