Even we people from Mars know that women's sexuality is complex, affected more deeply than men's sex drive by mood, self-esteem and relationship issues.
Although it is not easy to fix when it goes awry, Procter & Gamble Pharma and Personal Health's new Intrinsa patch promises to recharge the stalled sex drive of some women. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, conducted by Dr. Glenn D. Braunstein of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and colleagues, found that women who used the patch for 24 weeks reported, on average, a 67 percent increase in their sexual desire, compared with a 48 percent increase in desire reported by women taking a placebo, or dummy patch. It also boosted the number of "satisfying sexual encounters" from an average of three per month to five---slightly higher than the increase reported by women taking the placebo.
Perhaps, if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't approve the Intrinsa patch as quickly as the six months it took to approve Viagra for men in 1998, Procter & Gamble might consider placing the placebo patch on the shelf to improve Baby Boomer couples' quality of life.
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Source: Melissa Ealy at The Los Angeles Times