More Baby Boomer women are determined to pour themselves into tight jeans, sheath dresses and sleeveless tops that show a bit of cleavage.
Clothes that show off her waistline and shape is the fit many of the 40 million female Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are looking for in fashion. These modern-day mid-lifers are demanding a different fashion mode than the previous generation. Spending an estimated $41 billion on apparel each year, with $27 billion on apparel for themselves, they are demanding clothes that show off bodies that have been trimmed with exercise, body-shapers and liposuction.
Want to reach these over 40 women?
Try product placements in computer games for women. A strange-but-true fact is 43% of gamers are women; those over age 40 play more hours of online games than anyone, even teens, late at night. They tend to like games that are collaborative, intelligent, strategic and mysterious. Who knew what they were doing while we were sleeping?
John G. Agno, Certified Executive & Business Coach,
Sources: The Wall Street Journal, April 15, 2005 and Fast Company, November 2004