Prechter’s FREE 10-Page Market Letter: Be One of the Few the Government Hasn’t Fooled
Elliott Wave International (EWI), the world’s largest market forecasting firm, has re-released Bob Prechter’s 10-page market letter, FREE! Downloaded thousands of times in its original launch, EWI has put it back online for a limited time!
Wall Street Legend and best-selling author Bob Prechter reveals 28 answers to questions you may not know to ask and the government definitely doesn’t want you to know.
You’ll read blunt commentary and sharp analysis that reveals the truth about what’s really going on in the U.S. financial markets, in Congress, and at your very own bank.
As the U.S. government pulls a sleight-of-hand trick on the unsuspecting public, you can break the cycle of misinformation by reading this 10-page report.
Click Here to Get Your Free Report
Warning: Prechter’s answers to these questions may shock you.
- What impact did the so-called “stimulus package” have on the U.S. economy?
- In an economic depression, will pension funds keep most retired Americans afloat?
- Who really benefits when the government props up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and what's the fraud behind the idea of “too important” to fail?
- Who does the government consider to be homeowners: you and your neighbors, or the banks that hold the deeds?
- Who really endorsed the emergency Housing Act – and who will be hurt by it?
- Can the Fed keep making loans to banks forever?
- Is it actually against the law in some states to warn people of potentially dangerous banks?
- And many more!
Don’t wait! Get this free report that readers are calling “a wake up call to lots of Americans.”
Click Here to Get Your Free Report
About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International
Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world's largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.