Many organizations are chronically concerned that they don't have the right talent to succeed, and this is especially true in the area of leadership.
They view leadership as among the top issues affecting their organizations both today and in the future, yet they're often dissatisfied with everything from succession planning systems to leadership development programs. Amid these concerns, coaching has come onto the scene more prominently in recent years.
Executive coaching is often viewed with a combination of hope and skepticism. On the one hand, assigning individual employees a coach seems like an excellent way to provide custom-delivered development opportunities to both current and aspiring leaders. On the other hand, coaching is often viewed as a kind of "cottage industry" where credentials are questionable, services are expensive and success is hard to measure.
To gain a better understanding of both the promise and perils of coaching, American Management Association (AMA) commissioned the Institute for Corporate Productivity to conduct a global survey of coaching practices in today's organizations.
For a copy of the AMA global study of successful coaching practices, go to:
For Women Only
John Agno of Signature, Inc. and Barb McEwen of 20/20 Executive Coaching, Inc. come together once a year to offer a TeleSeminar Series that's packed full of great information to help women navigate the corporate terrain.
If you want to accomplish more with less effort, check the TeleSeminars out. You'll learn why there are boulders in your career path, and then discover ways to blast those boulders sky-high.
The cost is a mere $49 per session and you can select as many or as few sessions as you like. The first course begins 12:00 noon EST for 1 hour on Wednesday, October 1st. Each of the following courses takes place on consecutive Wednesdays through November 19th.