Nearly 60 percent of all college graduates today are women, and they graduate with better grade point averages and more honors than men.
Men of all ages are spending more time with their children and running the household than in past decades. Many have reached a point where preserving or increasing their personal time is more appealing than bigger jobs and more money. Control over their work schedules is a high priority.
Only 17 percent of U.S. households today are traditional, with a husband who works outside of the home and a wife who does not, compared to 63 percent of traditional households in earlier generations.
A new book by two Deloitte executives takes a clear and cogent look at the changing workplace, by exploring what is no longer just a women's issue or a heated debate about work/life balance. MASS CAREER CUSTOMIZATION: Aligning the Workplace with Today's Nontraditional Workforce by Cathleen Benko and Anne Weisberg (Harvard Business School Press) examines the labor landscape and alerts Corporate America that now is time for a policy changes to be in alignment with the knowledge-driven labor force.
Today's career path is no longer a straight climb up the corporate ladder. This book provides a structured approach to what is already going on in offices across the country. There are numerous examples of employees who have dialed up and dialed down over the course of their career but have been unsuccessful as they were forced to change professions, employers or even opted out of the workforce entirely. Employers would be wise to create a workplace that fits the new knowledge workers' needs.
New Women's Coaching Club begins in October 2007:
Visit for the Same Workplace, Different Realities teleclass series especially for women executives.