Many executives decide not to coach and mentor associates because they are uncertain as to how to approach them and concerned about the time it would take away from their functional duties.
However, leaders as coaches and mentors can make a huge difference in a person's life with little effort. And coaching isn't a distraction from getting work done, it's about building trust with the people where you work and managing the relationships that gets the work done. Results are achieved while people understand what they need to learn through your coaching and mentoring.
By learning how to become a better leader through coaching and mentoring, you personally develop your emotional intelligence, character and leadership style. “The crux of leadership development that works is self-directed learning: intentionally developing or strengthening an aspect of who you are or who you want to be, or both.” Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis & Annie McKee (Harvard Business School Press)
To maximize our potential in a rapidly changing global economy, people recognize the need for leadership ethics more than ever before. Developing commitment in a world of "free agents" and "volunteer" talent is not an easy assignment and requires the development of leadership skills; effective leadership ability that you didn't learn at the university or in executive education.