Whenever we are communicating with others, they first must buy into us emotionally before they are willing to listen to what we have to say to them.
Here is an email message I received today from a client who had requested some sales coaching in an earlier session:
Hi John:
IT WORKS LIKE A DREAM! "Hi Sandy, Is this a bad time?".
I have been using it all week and just about every time, the person said "no" and allowed me to speak with them. I can also tell by their slight reaction that I threw them a little bit of a curve ball by that opening...which is fine.
I have shared this with a couple of persons in my office, including our appointment setter who I have heard use it on the phone already.

The ACID test in an interpersonal interaction is:
1. A = achieve favorable Attention
2. C = inspire Confidence (in that you know what you are speaking of)
3. I = build Interest in your story
4. D = instill Desire in the person for what you have to offer
When the connecting process gets to the "D" stage, stop talking. Allow the other person to take charge of directing the conversation and you will get the sale.
A good "opening" paves the way to a profitable "close" of the sales process.
For more sales tips, go to: www.SalesTip.info