A good blog is an example of good leadership; people take their cues from your blogging just as they do from your leadership style.
C-level blogging is becoming just as important as C-level speeches, telecons and PowerPoint presentations. These blogs say volumes about the executives' style and substance or lack thereof. As C-level business leaders, their blog should be living examples of using digital tools to become more effective executives.
What do you want people to be talking about and doing after reading your blog?
Come up with decent answers to that question and you'll have a better blog. You'll have a blog that creates conversation. The trick is to recognize that business blogs aren't self-indulgent, self-expressions about what you think is important, but interactive invitations to get others to appreciate what you think is important. Blogs are about deciding what kinds of conversations, connections and communications you want to encourage.
Truly dynamic blogs are about truly dynamic linking. Blogs are about the opportunity to link your insight with someone else's and have them link their insight to yours. You want your blog to be seen as a hub where employees and vendors can meet and network on the Web links that you have pointed to.
Source: Michael Schrage, codirector of the MIT Media Lab's eMarkets Initiative, in CIO magazine, February 15, 2006, www.CIO.com