"There's something unique and different that makes a leader, and it's not about creativity or courage or integrity," says Marcus Buckingham, author of The One Thing You Need to Know...About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success (Free Press).
As important as they are, you can have those attributes and still fail to be a great leader. A leader's job is to rally people toward a better future. Leaders can't help but change the present, because the present isn't good enough. They succeed only when they find a way to make people excited by and confident in what comes next.
"For a leader, the challenge is that in every society ever studied, people fear the future," says Buckingham. "The future is unstable, unknown, and therefore potentially dangerous. So in order to succeed, leaders must engage our fear of the unknown and turn it into spiritedness. By far the most effective way to turn fear into confidence is to be clear -- to define the future in such vivid terms that we can see where we are headed. Clarity is the antidote to anxiety, and therefore clarity is the preoccupation of the effective leader. If you do nothing else as a leader, be clear."
"Four years ago, I was at a dinner with Bob Nardelli, who left General Electric after he was passed over for Jack Welch's job. He had just become CEO of Home Depot, and all he talked about was how exciting it would be to take on the challenge of building a better future for Home Depot. And I remember thinking, 'This guy hasn't had retail experience in 20 years, he's going into a situation where people are expecting him to fail, and he's following two founders -- Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus -- who were beloved. Why is he doing this?'"
"But listening to him that night, I realized that once he'd seen a better future for Home Depot, every other consideration became irrelevant. He couldn't stop himself. With leaders, the future calls to them in a voice they can't drown out. The future is more real than the present; it compels them to act."
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Source: The Clear Leader in FastCompany