"No man is born into the world whose work is not born with him." James Russell Lowell
Discovering one's life purpose or life signature is important to do what you do best. Most people discover their life purpose through self-directed learning, self assessments and working with a personal coach or mentor.
Some find their meaning of life through dreams. Carl Sandberg said, "Nothing happens unless first a dream." Taping into the super consciousness of dreams can result in far out consequences for some people.
"Being abducted by aliens is a culturally shaped manifestation of a universal human need" to find meaning and purpose in life, writes Dr. Susan Clancy, author of "Abducted" (Harvard University Press). That need is stronger and more basic than any attachment to empiricism, logic or objective reality.
Most important is that alien abduction feels, to abductees, like the best explanation for their feelings and memories. It is transformative, giving their life meaning, reassuring them of their own significance. Dr. Clancy, raised as a Catholic, is aware of the human needs that religion fills--and how belief in alien abduction fills them, too. "People get from their abduction beliefs the same things that millions of people the world over derive from their religions," she writes: "meaning, reassurance, mystical revelation, spirituality, transformation."
Source: Science Journal, The Wall Street Journal, October 21, 2005