Speedy connections transform behavior as consumers treat the Web like phone service or electric power--always there.
The Internet is far more powerful thanks to broadband. In 2003, about 22% of U.S. homes have high-speed Internet access. By the end of 2004, 40 million households in the U.S. had broadband. Rates of high-speed Internet access are even higher in Canada, Japan and Korea and growing fast.
Why is this important to business?
Broadband subscribers spend 58% more time online, according to a Forrester Research, Inc. survey and spend 37% more on ecommerce.
At eight years, the Web is the same age color TV was when it turned profitable in 1962. And when color sets got TV rolling, new industries sprouted from it that were a complete and utter surprise---like cable, pro sports and instant worldwide news coverage. No doubt ebusiness has many more surprises in store.