Creating a happy life is not a destination, but a process.
Happiness starts with the desire to intentionally create a life of purpose--a life in which we choose to use our unique set of gifts and talents to make a difference in the world.
Our life is full of choices.
You get to choose where to prioritize your time, and time is limited. Will you choose to spend time with your children, or will you choose to spend time working? At the end of life, you will not wish you had gotten one more thing done. You'll wish you had attended the baseball game where your son hit his only home run.
The perfect career or business for you will blend your unique strengths, talents, interests and priorities into an opportunity to pursue a worthwhile, meaningful purpose in a work environment that will fit your personality and style.
You alone are responsible for creating the life you desire.
The bottom line is you get to decide what you want from your life. No one else can do this for you. Once you have decided, you have to act upon the discovery you have made.
Source: Becky Lynn Smith: Designing Your Ideal Life: Create Your Blueprint for Success and Happiness
When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women--Workbook Edition--Paperback
Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge.
Everyone you meet these days is overworked and out of time.
This is very true, happiness depends on the individual.
Posted by: Kacy | 06/15/2017 at 05:39 AM
HRs need to really interact witb sgaff so as to know the employees interests, talents, unique strengths and priorities. This will make our work worthwhile.
Posted by: Winnie Akinyi | 07/01/2017 at 08:22 AM