Personal relationships are the centerpiece of many women's lives, providing them with a sense of purpose and core identity.
When significant relationships change in life-altering ways, a woman may feel as though the center has dropped out of her world.
Patti Clark's "THIS WAY UP: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life" speaks to every woman who has ever struggled with feelings of purposelessness, or wondered if her life would ever hold happiness and meaning again.
"This Way Up" is not your standard self-help book. It begins with the beautifully--written and engrossing allegorical tale of 50-something Kat, a widow and a recent empty-nester. The second half of the book is a satisfying and practical workbook that includes 12 weeks' worth of daily journaling exercises, thought-provoking questions and reader support.
"This Way Up will appeal to any woman who is seeking a life filled with enthusiasm, creativity and joy. It's a fun book to read and the workbook is engaging and can be life changing," says author Patti Clark
Source: Patti Clark: This Way Up: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life
Other Self-Coaching Guides for Career Women:
Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge. (ebook and paperback editions)
Women and Time (ebook and paperback editions)
When Doing It All Won't Do: A self-coaching guide for career women. (ebook and Workbook Edition in paperback at $13.41)