Kaya Singer, author of the book “Wiser and Wilder,” says that success comes to those who focus on being authentic, in the right circle of people, in a balanced and actualized way, with a strong voice.
Her new book is designed to help people ready to walk a soulful path and that manifests their vision with the right people. “Finding your tribe is perhaps one of the most important steps to focus on in business,” she says.
Your tribe is made up of all the people who love your business, products, services, and you. It’s your fans, current and potential customers and clients, and your colleagues. They enjoy hearing what you’re up to, and they spread the word to others about your business. It’s just as true now as it has been down through the ages: women thrive in circles with other women.
Here are seven important key ways to grow your tribe:
- Search for Women’s Networking Groups and Business Clubs in your local area.
- Do online searches through the social media channels.
- Tap in and take advantage of your own networks.
- Set up coffee or tea dates with women you meet and feel a connection toward.
- Start your own Meet Up group and invite people to come.
- Go to a local tea shop or café with your lap top and work from there.
- Build a community on social media.
- Join groups on social media.
- Start your own small Mastermind Group.
- Look for ways you can promote others.
Connecting with supportive people not only helps build your business, but it builds real community, plus it helps you to grow personally as an individual; this is particularly helpful if you tend to be more introverted.
Source: Kaya Singer: Wiser and Wilder: A Soulful Path for Visionary Women Entrepreneurs
Other Self-Coaching Guides for Career Women:
Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge. (ebook and paperback editions)
Women and Time (ebook and paperback editions)
When Doing It All Won't Do: A self-coaching guide for career women. (ebook and Workbook Edition in paperback at $13.41)