The struggle many women who want to have children go through while trying to keep their careers on track fuels a robust industry of books, paid speeches, and symposiums. College-educated women, the frustrated consumers of these products, lurch from guru to guru, wondering why each new best-seller or TED Talk changes little.
After years of being told they can do anything they want while men still behave as if it’s the 1950s, women are ready to hear the truth: Nothing is going to change for professional women in the realm of work, life, and family demands until men get on board.
Everyone, male or female, parent or not, may at some point have caretaking obligations for another person. The assumption that there isn’t likely to be a “wife” at home to deal with it, should be built into the system.
If it were, you would have fewer promising women (and men) dropping out of the workforce after having children. And then you might see more female Fortune 500 CEOs, surgeons, and law firm partners.
Source: Bloomberg BusinessWeek, September 28, 2015
Books---Self-coaching guides for Career Women:
Pamela Stone: Opting Out?: Why Women Really Quit Careers and Head Home
Sheryl Sandberg: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
When Doing It All Won't Do: A self-coaching guide for career women. (ebook edition $0.99, Workbook Edition in paperback $13.41)
When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women--Workbook Edition--Paperback $13.41