There is an old marketing adage that says it's easier to meet a need than to create one. The concept for this self-coaching book came about because of the frustrations and conflict routinely expressed by our female clients.
There is so much to do and so little time.
Most articles and books that focus on time management have been written by men who don't understand female biology or female socialization. Having read books by many male authors, it's clear that they have one or more women doing a considerable amount of work for them--essentially "taking care" of them. Is it any wonder that the time management books that are out there don't work well in relieving the pressures working women routinely face?
In examining this time management dilemma, it became apparent that what these women were experiencing were not typical issues. Rather, they were trying to be all things to all people and had neglected their own priorities in the process. That is why the book is entitled: "When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women." For the majority of women, there is an underlying problem.
The theme all these women appear to dance to is: Just because I can, I think I should.
Despite long days and a never-ending series of ways for her to improve, these women continue to seriously undermine their health, their family life, their careers and important relationships. Something needs to be done.
As coaches, we began our own journey to explore what was causing all the strain, stress, and frustration among generations of very bright and articulate women.
The original concept was for a full book; however, from the perspective of the time-strapped woman, it was decided to reduce its content into valuable insights and ways in which women can quickly put the new insight into practice.
This workbook is dedicated to all those hard working women who are willing to embrace liberating change. Remember, change always comes bearing gifts.
When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women--Workbook Edition--Paperback
Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge.
Everyone you meet these days is overworked and out of time.