Today’s women are better educated than ever before. They have accumulated a wealth of skills, have learned to be adaptable, and have been told that they can do anything they want to do. The upside is that they have become independent, self-sufficient, and confident of their abilities. The downside is that they will readily admit they have not found the enjoyment or satisfaction they once imagined.
The reason they attribute to the problem is that they have taken on too much. These days, most women dance to a frenzied beat, believing just because they can, they think they should. We were taught if we were capable of doing something it shouldn’t be necessary to hire it out or look for help.
This has led women to become frustrated by experiencing long days and a never-ending “To Do” list. All too often, businesswomen don’t give themselves a break. In an effort to squeeze even more into their nightmarish schedules, they make choices that actually undermine their health, their family life, their careers, and important relationships.
Is it any wonder that the self-help books currently available don’t work well in relieving the pressures working women routinely face?
In examining this dilemma with a succession of clients, we realized that women do not automatically experience the same professional issues that men routinely face. Instead, they struggle to be all things to all people— and along the way they neglect themselves and their own priorities.
These books are dedicated to all those hardworking women everywhere who are willing to embrace liberating change. Believe that your situation can change and you are halfway down the road to making significant changes. Know that change always comes with unexpected gifts.
When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women: The solutions, insights and tips in this book are custom-designed to help you de-stress, re-energize, and channel your time better. You will find these new rituals and behaviors extremely rewarding. You will discover a new-found freedom, energy and sense of peace when you make the changes in your life we suggest. It is time for women to say, "Doing it all won't do." There is a better way.
Year after year, the authors have heard working women's frustrations, and have helped them deal with massive internal conflicts. Career women struggle with countless expectations, too much to do in too little time, and the fact that they receive little of the support or recognition they want--and deserve.
Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways to Build Trust: Being a spirited leader empowers you to illuminate the path for others in an authentic, heartfelt, credible manner. Spirited leadership get you off the exhausting treadmill of "never enough" and onto the path of an exciting, energizing journey where you will fulfill your destiny and soar to new heights of excellence. The by-products of this journey are outstanding, collaboration, innovation galore, engagement extraordinaire and glowing results.
Author Ellen Castro got off the exhausting treadmill when she discovered that trust is the competitive advantage in a world where competence alone is not enough to succeed in business or in life.