The Women Presidents Organization (WPO) has compiled an infographic (see below) based on its 2013 Economic Impact Survey. Key findings include:
--Entrepreneurship can be lucrative. 76% of WPO members -- the female owners of multi-million dollar companies around the world -- currently make at least six figures, and 28% have received a salary increase this year, further separating themselves from the misconception that women earn 77 cents on the dollar compared to men.
--The economy is a growing concern. 50% of WPO members believe that economic conditions are the single biggest threat to their bottom line growth. By comparison, just 34% were concerned with economic conditions in 2012.
--Women-owned businesses are thriving regardless. 50% of WPO member businesses have hired new employees, and 63% have actually increased their employees' salaries in 2013. 88% of WPO member companies provide health insurance.