Rank | Name | Age | Country | Category |
1 | ![]() Angela MerkelChancellor, Germany |
58 | Germany | Politics |
2 | ![]() Dilma RousseffPresident, Brazil |
65 | Brazil | Politics |
3 | ![]() Melinda GatesCochair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |
48 | United States | Philanthropy/NGO |
4 | ![]() Michelle ObamaFirst Lady, United States |
49 | United States | Politics |
5 | ![]() Hillary ClintonPersonality, Philanthropist |
65 | United States | Politics |
6 | ![]() Sheryl SandbergCOO, Facebook |
43 | United States | Technology |
7 | ![]() Christine LagardeManaging Director, International Monetary Fund |
57 | France | Philanthropy/NGO |
8 | ![]() Janet NapolitanoSecretary, Department of Homeland Security, United States |
55 | United States | Politics |
9 | ![]() Sonia GandhiPresident, Indian National Congress, India |
66 | India | Politics |
10 | ![]() Indra NooyiCEO, PepsiCo |
57 | United States | Business |
For the other 90 powerful women, go to: www.forbes/power-women.
"The rise of personal brands and entrepreneurial endeavors among this year's Power Women are exciting trends as we mark our 10th year of publishing the list," said Moira Forbes, President & Publisher, ForbesWoman. "From Singapore to Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom to the United States - and beyond - the 100 influential women on our list are making an indelible and lasting impact on the world we live in."
You’re a Unique Brand
In the business world, we are the primary product we market. Every product has a reputation—and we are no different. Think of ketchup, pickles, purses, shoes, salad dressings, and athletic gear. Specific images and associations come to mind when we think of each. Like pickles and purses, when people think of us, they think of specific images.
Every business person has a brand, whether we know it or not. Our brand is a combination of our personality, our skills, our style, our attitudes, our behaviors and our values.
It is what others think when they think of us. Our brand promises something distinctive and unique that will differentiate us from our colleagues, so we need to consider carefully how to develop, polish, and maintain our personal brand so that it reflects the way we want to be perceived. It could be said, “Your perception of me is more important than my perception of me.”
Take a Careful Look in the Mirror
Since we are all in the process of becoming, this is a great time to take a moment and consider whether we are satisfied with the person we are becoming. Is there something we know that needs changing, but so far we haven’t considered it a priority? There is no time like the present!
John Agno: When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women
John G Agno: Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge.