You awaken to who you really are through a process of being in relationships with others, building your career, making choices, raising your children if you have them, and often taking apparent detours along the way. This is how you learn the lessons you are here to learn. It's how your calling reveals itself to you.
For example, through going through a difficult divorce, you may have learned about forgiveness. As you listen to your intuition and communicate with God to bring your dream to fruition, you signal your willingness to step into the unknown. You expand your view of yourself as you fulfill your potential and ultimately grow into a more compassionate and loving human being.
Recognizing and following your intuitive yearnings to find your true calling is not an easy process. It can be quite challenging and require a great deal of courage to follow your inner path. However, the inklings of the calling are usually there if we choose to look, understand, and begin to follow the clues.
As you listen within, what are you compelled to act on? It may be a feeling of curiosity about something. Your inner wisdom is your guide assisting you and opening your heart and mind to your next practicing new thinking and expanding your comfort zone. We all want a guarantee that things will work out perfectly. It doesn't usually happen that way. So expect that you will feel at least a little anxious as you build new skills and enlarge your horizons.
Each of us brings to this world our unique gifts, talents and abilities. It's this distinct combination that makes you who you are. There's not one other person on earth who is here with the exact same calling as you. We each have a piece of the puzzle that we're here to share with others. If we cast aside our inner guidance that informs us of our mission and purpose in life, we aren't contributing our gifts. The puzzle won't be whole without the piece you have to offer.
Let’s face it: you are the most interesting and important subject in the entire world. You will always be at or near the center of your world. It’s a comfortable place to be! So, one of the most exciting—and, often, one of the most intimidating—experiences lies in gaining a fuller understanding of just who you are.
Life is a perpetual process of becoming. To truly understand ourselves, we need to understand how we view ourselves, how others view us, and how we truly interact with others, not how we think we interact. Self-understanding means knowing what we need and how we desire to grow.Source: Lynn A. Robinson: Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity
John Agno: When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women
John G Agno: Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge.