There is a deeply rooted myth in American culture that shapes our behavior---a myth so strong that to question it might challenge our history.
The myth: Success in America is an individual enterprise. This myth celebrates our rugged individualism as the key element in becoming a self-made man or woman. We believe that everyone succeeds or fails on the basis of individual efforts and abilities but this just isn't so. Revering this go-it-alone mentality, frontier spirit and lone wolf perspective actually holds us back from achieving the success we seek.
In business, we often hear that it's not what we know, but also who we know that can help us find success.
As the business world and the Internet become increasingly intertwined, it's becoming apparent just how relevant that platitude is to the success of your career and business. Particularly when it comes to search marketing, as it is necessary to accumulate inbound links from other sites to your blog, website, LinkedIn and Facebook pages. Of course, before anyone will want to look at your content, they have to find it, which is why you should also identify widely searched keywords related to you and your niche and then use these keywords in your site's content.
Simply put, 'Success is not only determined by what you know but also by whom you know.' The real Success Formula is: Human Capital (what you know) X Social Capital (who you know and who knows you) X Reputation (who trusts you).
How can you overcome the myth of individualism? Get a personal coach.
For building your Social Capital, read: "Achieving Success Through Social Capital" (Jossey-Bass) by Wayne Baker
John Agno: When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women