Up to now, most time management books have been written by men who don't understand female biology or female socialization. Is it any wonder that those time management books don't work well in relieving the pressures working women routinely face?
What makes "Women and Time" different?
North America's top coaches of executive women, Barb McEwen and John Agno, have documented over three years, proven coaching solutions that have worked well for their career women clients. These exclusive self-coaching secrets discovered by successful women clients are now, for the first time, available to all working women.
The concept for the book came about because of very real, very important needs that their female clients repeatedly express. Year after year, the authors have heard working women’s frustrations, and have helped them deal with massive internal conflicts. Both society and individuals struggle with countless expectations, too much to do in too little time, and the fact that they receive little of the support or recognition they want—and deserve.
The book is intended to help you understand and work with your unique inner compass. As you read the book, you will be amazed at what you learn about yourself.
“Women and Time” delivers proven time management tips that reduce stress and help you reclaim your time and life.
This self-coaching book is fully loaded with unique insights for time-strapped women:
How to manage stress
Meeting expectations: Theirs and Yours
Changing outdated beliefs
Mastering the skill of focus
How to set goals
How to schedule think times
How to negotiate what you want
How to establish priorities and delegate
Why your attitude is everything
Buy it now -- $9.99 Paperback or $2.99 eBook on Amazon.com John G. Agno: Women and Time
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Posted by: Career Development | 05/10/2012 at 04:03 AM