In their book “Megatrends of Women,” Patricia Aburdene & John Naisbitt point out that, “The traits of the manager of the future uncannily match those of female leadership. Consultants have tried to teach male managers to relinquish the command-and-control mode. For women it was different: it just came naturally.”
Tom Peters, author of “In Search of Excellence,” tells men “who wish to stay employed to study women’s ways of leadership.” What these authors are saying, is that many of the behaviors that women have been socialized to possess, can be translated into valuable job skills. Both the working world and the political arena need the talents women bring.
For a growing number of women, their career is an important part of who they are. They have come to understand the need for balancing their caring, collaborative and teaching side with a balanced perspective of discipline, productivity and objectivity.
Choosing to take the appropriate measures to advance our careers is a significant decision. Ultimately, the right decision for one woman may be entirely wrong for another. The choice belongs to each of us. Of course, industry asks and expects a lot. But the demands will only change when women push through changes so no one will be expected to sacrifice family for success in business.
After spending time in the corporate world, many women choose to open their own businesses so they have more control over their time.
Sources: John G. Agno: Women and Time
Barbara McEwen: Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge
Barbara A. McEwen: When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women--Workbook Edition Paperback at: $14.99
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