We live in a society that has become remarkably dependent on the unfettered ambition of women.
As the Washington Post reporter Liza Mundy writes in a new book, “The Richer Sex,” forty percent of working wives now earn more than their husbands, and, by 2030, that number will probably rise to fifty per cent.
Women already make up more than half of college and university students. By 2019, if current trends continue, they will make up fifty-nine per cent of total undergraduate enrollment, and sixty-one per cent of those enrolled in graduate programs.
Birth control is an economic and educational order predicated on the freedom of women, married and unmarried, to protect their own health and to decide when they’re going to have children.
Ninety-nine percent of all American women, who have had sex, have used contraception at some point in their lives. For Catholic women, the percentage is almost the same--ninety-eight percent, according to an analysis released last Spring by the Guttmacher Institute.
Source: The New Yorker, March 19, 2012 Read more: http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2012/03/19/120319taco_talk_talbot#ixzz1pPKjst5b
Liza Mundy: The Richer Sex: How the New Majority of Female Breadwinners Is Transforming Sex, Love and Family
Other books for career women that can help you achieve better work/life integration:
John G Agno: Women, Know Thyself: The most important knowledge is self-knowledge.
Barbara A. McEwen: When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women--Workbook Edition
"When Doing It All Won't Do: A self-coaching guide for career women" by Barbara McEwen & John G. Agno. Order the PDF ebook - Workbook Edition (ISBN-10: 0983586527) for only $12.99 (to view full-size on your computer screen or decide to printout locally) today: Add to Cart
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More information at: http://www.whendoingitallwontdo.com
I'm a woman in my late 20 s, married for 5 years and I make more money than my huansbd, he makes about 30% of what I make. We split the bills equally based on income, so he pays about 30% of our bills and I pay the remainder I don't have a problem with this setup, I think it's more equal. However, where we disagree is house chores. I work 40 hours a week, sometimes longer depending on my job requirements, and he only works about 20 hours a week. I feel that the chores should also be split equally based on time. I've struggled for a few years now, especially since we bought a house a couple of years ago, to get him to do any house chores .he sleeps in most days and doesn't do any house chores. Anytime I bring them up, it turns into a fight b/c he gets very defensive. He grew up with a stay at home mom who did EVERYTHING around the house and cooked everyday! I think he has problems recognizing that we're not the traditional kind of relationship. I'm at the point we're I'm just forgetting about him doing any chores, but I'm starting to resent him because of this situation and I don't know what to do. Besides the chores we have a good relationship. But, I just don't feel like he appreciates all that I do in this relationship if it weren't for my income we couldn't afford our house and a lot of things we do, like vacations, and not to mention 1,000 s of dollars in vet bills that I've paid for. Anytime anything comes up, I'm the one to pay for it. Yet he can't help keep the house tidy. I'm starting to come to my whit's end and I'm not sure what to do any advice would be good!
Posted by: Campos | 07/15/2012 at 03:21 PM
Year after year, we have heard working women's frustrations, and we have helped them deal with massive internal conflicts. Both society and individuals struggle with countless expectations, too much to do in too little time, and the fact that they receive little of the support or recognition they want and deserve.
That is why we wrote the book, "When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women." Our goal is to help women make their lives easier, richer, happier and saner. If this could be of help to you, suggest you purchase the Workbook Edition at: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/098358656X/
Long-standing cultural norms are hard to shake--and women have a long list of those norms (many of which are outdated and/or irrelevant) to struggle against. The Workbook Edition of the above book is intended to help you get in touch with who you are and where you want to go with these struggles.
Posted by: John G. Agno | 07/16/2012 at 09:20 AM