Perhaps, you would agree that "only Superwoman can juggle it all"....because in her fictional world she does not encounter the same challenges that working women face today.
Everyone you meet these days is overworked and out of time.
To assist today's working woman to better manage her time and life, Women and Time provides effective time management tips. This new book facilitates you doing the things you really want to do and become the person you want to be. When you put these newly adopted coaching tips into practice, everything that comes your way becomes organized.
Your systematic decision-making results in clarity, productivity, accountability and empowerment. You easily manage commitments and projects by defining critical objectives and implementation details. You and your teams do what each of you does best, becoming highly productive while achieving desired outcomes with minimal stress and maximum result.
Bottom Line: You reclaim your time and life through better work/life integration.
Here is what one reader had to say about this new book, "This little gem of a book should be mandatory reading for all working women! Understanding the emotion behind the issues we face, not to mention our unrealistic expectations of ourselves is priceless information. I will refer to this book often to affirm to myself that I can't juggle it all."
Meeting Expectations: Theirs and Yours
Incredibly, nearly all the people in our lives have subtle, or not so subtle, expectations of us. Some expect us to do certain tasks. Others expect us to act in certain ways or to respond to certain situations in a prescribed manner.
We have accepted some of those expectations willingly while others under protest. Deep inside we need to admit that we cannot possibly meet all the expectations heaped upon us. We are not Superwoman. We know that the more we try, the more disappointed we become in our inability to satisfy them all.
You may have read the February 14, 2011 edition of The New Yorker magazine where Tina Fey wrote: "What is the rudest question you can ask a woman? How old are you? What do you weigh? No, the worst question is: How do you juggle it all? The topic of working moms is a tap-dance recital in a minefield. 'How do you juggle it all?' People constantly ask me, with a accusatory look in their eyes. 'You're screwing it all up, aren't you?' their eyes say. My standard answer is that I have the same struggles as any working parent but with the good fortune to be working in my dream job."
Barbara A. McEwen: When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women--Workbook Edition--Paperback for $14.99
Purchase and download for the Nook eReader and iPad tablets at Barnes & Noble for $9.99
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