Women may have fared better than men during the recession, but they are not making up lost ground as fast as men in the recovery.
The recent recession was labeled by some a "man-cession," because of sharp employment cuts in male-dominated fields. During the downturn, which ran from late-2007 to mid-2009, sectors such as manufacturing and construction shed millions of jobs, sending the unemployment rate for men into the double digits. But as the economy has rebounded, men have been recovering labor market losses faster than women.
"2010 is a year where men had a recovery and women didn't," said Betsey Stevenson, the Labor Department's chief economist.
The unemployment rate for men, on average, was 10.5% last year. By April it had declined 1.1 points to 9.4%, the Labor Department said Friday. Joblessness among women was less common: Their unemployment rate was 8.6% on average last year. But women are struggling to nudge their joblessness down. By April, the unemployment rate for women had fallen just 0.2 points to 8.4%.
A large part of the problem is that women are disproportionately represented in state and local governments—and that is where many jobs are being cut now. "It was a very broad and deep recession for everybody," said Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women's Policy Research, but "where the cuts have affected women more than men is in state and local government."
So far this year state and local governments have cut 86,000 jobs. By contrast, the private sector has added 854,000 jobs.
Source: The Wall Street Journal, May 7, 2011
Their unemployment rate was 8.6% on average last year. But women are struggling to nudge their joblessness down.
Posted by: Coach Factory Outlet | 06/02/2011 at 04:58 AM
In recession time also woman's are growing up.And woman's workers percentage also more.
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