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While I was listening to Miss Sternberg's video above on
"Why we have too few women leaders", I would like to make a number of comments and questions as to her thesis:
1. At one point, she said that she "did NOT have all the answers and was making no value judgments". My question to her is then, why does she make the VALUATION that there are too few women leaders?? CLEARLY, there are women leaders in every industry, EVERY level of government and every social strata! What standard is there that says there are too few women leaders??
2. If there is "female discrimination" in this country, then why is there NEVER any voice of "male discrimination"?? Perfect example: I have lived in apartments all my adult life and I have NEVER seen once in 16 years a MALE office manager at an apartment! Helloo?!?!
3. If only 1/3 of female execs are married and this too must change, then what do you propose to change?? Not for females to get married so they can go further in career? Require men to raise children when Nautre requires women to bear children and has the skills to raise them already?
There are many more questions that should be discussed but I find it presumptuous of someone to hint that US culture has deprived women of some status and that same person say they aren't making any value judgments; that is just being dishonest.
Posted by: Yochanan Qavah | 01/24/2011 at 04:45 PM